Tag Archives: karl marx photography



photos – karl marx | site – merida, bf resort, las piƱas

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Creative Commons LicensePhotography by Karl Marx Photography is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License



photos – karl marx | site – batanes

Lately, it’s a rare luxury that we get to travel due to a busy lifestyle. We only get the chance to go outside our usual scenery, smell, and feel in some sweet very little time, so going to the great outdoors was a good idea. It surely did not disappoint. The trip made us richer in perspective; it made us more aware that life’s too short not to be nomads because there’s still a big big place out there waiting to be experienced.

We couldn’t be more delighted to share to you the fun and awe we experienced. For this travel feature, we flew all the way to the northernmost part of our beautiful country to check THE beautiful Batanes. You hear nothing but beautiful praises when it’s THE Batanes on the spotlight. No argument on that. But for us, words fell short to express how beautiful the place is. Anyway, we’d rather let the pictures speak for themselves.

All shots were taken using our new Olympus OM-D EM5 (which is such a stellar camera by the way). Enjoy!

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Creative Commons LicensePhotography by Karl Marx Photography is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License